Our last blog post on Instagram was an update around the Instagram algorithm and changes we have seen in 2017. Aside from this, it has been a while since we have seen any major instagram updates. Until now. We tell you what’s new on Instagram, and what’s to come.

Hashtags in stories  

Instagram Stories is fast becoming more frequently used than the Instagram feed. Therefore, being able to search a particular hashtag in a story would make sense. This new feature to Instagram Stories will allow you to discover Stories using a particular hashtag you have searched for in the Explore section.

Location in stories 

Allowing users to view Stories from a particular place in the world is the second, most welcomed, update to the feature. Providing your location has been activated and authorised for Stories, you have the option of sharing your location when posting a Story. Instagram now also allows you to add your story to a location story in your area. For example, a story for Sydney might be active and therefore Instagram will give you the option to add your story to the “Sydney Story” if you use the geolocation.

A new feature in the pipeline: archive posts 

This feature, not yet officially one of the Instagram updates, is the solution to the daunting feeling you have before posting an image. We can already edit a caption on Instagram once a post is live, but you can’t edit the image without deleting the post and starting again… until this feature was announced.

If you decide that the image you have posted isn’t quite what you hoped, it isn’t on brand or you no longer think it is suitable, Archive Post function will allow you to archive your post when you long tap the image in your grid view, and it will remove the image. If you decide you no longer want it archived, you can re-add it to your feed and it will appear in its original place.

This is a great feature for a limited time offer or a post that you don’t want in your feed forever.

Need help with your digital marketing?

Chronicle Republic Communications is a boutique Sydney marketing consultancy for real estate, property and interiors professionals. We specialise in social media, content marketing, email marketing, blogging, search engine optimisation, social media advertising and much more!

If you are looking for social media for real estate, property or interior design our digital marketing experts can help you bring your brand’s story to life.
